At Clothing Partner, we know that the fabric we use is key to the success of a best selling item. Our fabric team includes highly skilled fabric technicians, wash technicians, and sourcing professionals who work very closely with design and PD on acheiving the right results. For over 15 years we have been able to source from the Far East as well as Bangladesh, due to our China and Hong Kong offices, meaning that we have skilled team members off shore within the textile sector. working with us on a daily basis.
For yarn development, our teams in Bangladesh and China work closely with local, stock and nominated yarn suppliers ensuring we can offer both newness and lead-in price points, depending on the clients requirements.
Our teams in Europe, Australia & the USA, feed into our fabric team on a regular basis, to ensure we are up to date on our fabric portfolio, looking at what is happening in the retail sectors from designer level to value retailers, through to social media influencers and celebs ensuring we can pre-empt what fabric trends will come our way. We visit fabric fairs and expo’s in order to stay up to date on innovations across the globe.

In terms of sustainability, we know that offering the odd recycled option here and there is not enough in order to make a real difference in modern retail. As retailers work towards stringent short and long term sustainability goals, with real measurable results becoming legislation in many countries. we work hard to support on offering a varying level of sustainable options.This ranges from something as simple as affordable recycled virgin fibres through to helping in developing closed loop production strategies and methods. Teams local to each retailer, can help support in as little or as much detail as is required throughout the development and production processes.
If you would like to find out more about our fabric & yarn team, please get in touch.